
FB or Website Viewing Worship Service: Lasting Impact – Signature

Event details

  • Sunday | November 8, 2020
  • 9:30 am - 10:30 am

After consulting with our local physicians regarding the dramatic increase in COVID-19 cases and anticipating the blessing of unseasonably warm weather, our in-person Sunday Morning Worship service will be Outdoors at 10:00 AM.  Please bring a lawn chair and a Bible.  There will not be any indoor activities on Sunday including nursery and Sunday School and Catechism.

Monday and Tuesday indoor activities are also canceled.
More information will be available after our Council meets on Tuesday night.

BOTH/AND – This Sunday morning we will gather for Sunday morning worship BOTH outdoors at Heritage AND Online on Facebook and on our Website at heritagecrc.net.  Both services will have the same sermon/message.  We will continue our new sermon series on the Book of Acts called Lasting Impact – When God Changes you He Changes the World.

We will focus on Acts 24-26 and the Apostle Paul’s Roman Trial.  The message is “Signature”  from Acts 23:12-32.  Discover how your signature story with Jesus is part of God’s story with whoever is in your path.
We will also have an update from our missionary partner Felis Patlan from Eagles Nest in Guatemala.

Join us this Sunday:
November 8 at 9:30 am :
To Link to the service through the website:
Lasting Impact – Signature


At 9:30 am the service will Premiere  on Facebook.