Message From Pastor Bob Huisman

Prayer Pray for God’s blessing to be on the FIVE friends or family you identified who don’t know Jesus. B – Body L – Labor E – Emotions S – Socially S – Spiritually Did you know that there is a team of volunteers at Heritage who pray regularly for...

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Message From Pastor Bob Huisman

Prayer: If you are able, check your mailbox before worship and bring the Cityfest Prayer Card with you into the sanctuary or the ARK.  We will be listing the names of FIVE friends or family who don’t know Jesus in order to focus our prayers for them. Did you know...

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Message From Pastor Bob Huisman

Maundy Thursday Worship and Easter Sunday: Prayer As you pray for our worship gatherings this week, ask God to reveal the good news of the empty tomb and a risen Savior to those who have not yet believed.  Invite a friend to join you this week on Thursday or Sunday....

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Message From Pastor Bob Huisman

Sunday March 18 Friends, This Sunday (3-18-2018), our 8:28 Testimony comes all the way from Cambodia – via Heritage member Sina Seng.  Pastor Bob Bolt will lead us from Romans 8:28-30 with the theme: “When Going Through Tough Times…”. We will also provide a brief introduction to City Fest –...

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Message From Pastor Bob Huisman

Friends, This Sunday we celebrate the sacrament of baptism for Avery Beth Mulder, daughter of Brandon and Katie Mulder.  Amber Tiller will share one of God’s 8:28 testimonies in her life and we will continue in our series on Romans 8 – reflecting together on “Life in the Spirit: Heavenly...

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Message From Pastor Bob Huisman

Friends, This Sunday we hear our first Romans 8:28 testimony.  My friend Lisa Jongsma, who was first to respond to the invitation to share an 8:28 testimony at the Christian Reformed Conference Grounds several years ago, will share her testimony this Sunday morning.  We will continue our study of Romans...

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Message From Pastor Bob Huisman

Friends, It’s only one month until Easter!  As we prepare our hearts to celebrate the fact that the tomb is empty and Jesus is alive, use the prayer and Scripture passage below to cooperate with the Spirit’s ministry of guiding us into all truth! From the Book of Common Prayer...

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Message From Pastor Bob Huisman

Friends, This Sunday is GEMS Sunday and we will be celebrating our GEMS Girls Club and their theme for the year, “In His Steps”.  Pastor Kevin Van Whye will lead us from Philippians 2 and John 13. Jim DeBoer from Hope College, will briefly introduce Awakening, a week long summer...

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Message From Pastor Bob Huisman

Friends, This Sunday is the first Sunday of Lent on the Church Calendar.  Lent (meaning spring) is a time of preparation for the celebration of Easter.  It is usually marked by prayer, repentance, and fasting. During the season of Lent, we will be taking a close look at Romans 8. ...

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