Hey Fusion High School Students! -The retirees of Heritage so much appreciated you treating them to a wonderful breakfast this past year that they would like to return the favor and show you how much they appreciate you. November 17 at 6:30, they would like to invite you to a special night. The night will begin with a homemade potluck dinner provided by the Retirees of Heritage. The dinner will be followed by a fun group game of Bunko. This will be a great night for the Retirees to get to know you better and also for them to show you how much you mean to them. Don’t miss this great night!
On November 28 the Fusion Students will be serving a Breakfast for the Heritage Congregation starting at 8:00 AM. We are asking that each student brings 1-2 loaves of a nut free Sweet Bread to church by Wednesday night at 8:30 PM. We will be setting up the room at 8:00 PM on Wednesday night and would like the students to be at church by 7:30 AM on Thanksgiving morning to help serve. We will be taking donations that morning to help with the cost of the Colorado Serve Project this coming July 11-19.
FUSION COLORADO SUMMER CHALLENGE On July 11-19 the FUSION group will be going to Colorado for a week long serve and discipleship trip. The first half of the week we will be painting homes for and serving low income elderly people in the Denver area. The second half of the week we will be biking, hiking, shopping and exploring the mountains near Buena Vista and Aspen. Each night we will be spending time in worship and digging into God’s Word. This is a trip you don’t want to miss. See flyer for more info. Please turn in your Registrations by January 19.