Sunday, August 5
This Sunday morning, at 9:30, we hear a hard word from James 4, “anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God”. You don’t want to miss God’s solution.
We will also get an update on the Feed Your Starving Children Campaign. Make plans to invite a friend or small group to join you when you sign up to pack meals.
Two new families will be welcomed to Heritage – the Myers and the Zulls.
While attending a prayer conference with my son Tommy in Seoul a few years ago, I had the opportunity to preach at one of the churches led by Pastor JongPil Yoo. He is a graduate of Western Seminary in Holland, MI and is traveling in the U.S. with a group of students. Eight middle school students and their leaders will worship with us from South Korea this Sunday. The students are being hosted by Heritage families on Saturday night and join us for worship on Sunday morning.
Every Sunday is the opportunity to Exercise Hospitality!
At 5:00pm, we return to the Commandment Countdown – #9.
What will our relationships look like if we obey God’s call to never twist someone’s words or gossip or slander? Our theme will be “Do Not Lie: Love the Truth”.
You are invited to come to the Prayer Room following any morning worship service where prayer volunteers are ready to listen and to pray for you and the concerns on your heart.
Please invite every Worship Guest to walk with you to the Welcome Center where they can receive their free gift and more information about Heritage CRC. Encourage them to join you for a cup of coffee and introduce them to another person at Heritage.
Upcoming Worship Gatherings:
August 12
9:30 – Pastor Bob Bolt, Celebration of the Lord’s Supper
5:00 – Pastor Kevin Van Wyhe
August 19
9:30 – Vibrant Faith: Prayerful – “Does God Still Heal?”, James 5:7-20
5:00 – Commandment Countdown: No. 8: Do Not Steal: Love Generosity
August 26
9:30 – Addressing God: Part 1 of 2, Worship Team = Students who attended the Awakening Worship Conference at Hope College this summer.
5:00 – Commandment Countdown: No. 7: Do Not Commit Adultery: Love Fidelity
September 2
9:30 – Addressing God: Part 2 of 2, Labor Day Weekend – Combined in Sanctuary
5:00 – Combined Worship at 2nd Byron Center CRC with 1st Cutlerville
September 9
9:30 – Ministry Season Kickoff! Outdoor worship on front lawn. All Church Lunch. Into to our E100 Bible Reading Challenge Series. Baptism of Joslyn Helmholdt.
5:00 – No Evening Service
Did you know that there is a team of volunteers at Heritage who pray regularly for a list of individuals who are not yet living in relationship with God? If you would like your family member or friend added to their prayer list, please put their name in the lantern at the Welcome Center.