“Now you are the body of Christ,
and each one of you is a part of it”
I Corinthians 12:27
Sing for Joy!
May 21, 2020 by Vicki Williams
Psalm 95:1: “Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord. Let us shout to the Rock of our salvation!”
I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait for the day when we will be able to sing together again in worship! If you’re like me, it’s just not quite the same singing in front of the computer screen on Sunday morning while you’re watching the church service. I miss all of your voices! Heritage has always been a singing church, and there’s something about singing together in worship as a body of Christ that unifies us in a way that nothing else can.
First, it unifies us personally with God. As we process the words, our personal relationship with God is strengthened. Our head and heart become connected, and the words become ingrained in our soul. We respond emotionally to the truths that the words express – truths about God’s greatness, justice, mercy, love, and compassion. Singing is one way we can express our love for God.
Second, it unifies us with each other. When we sing together in church, all generations are united in one voice with one goal – to praise God and see Him glorified! Not only do we sing together each Sunday, but we sing at weddings, funerals, and other significant events that we share together throughout the years as a church family. Music carries us through seasons of lament and celebration as we bond and grow together as a congregation.
And third, it unifies us with the body of Christ around the world. We are all God’s image-bearers, and we all have the shared purpose of making Jesus known to every nation. As congregations are singing together around the world, it’s a picture of what is to come someday when the body of Christ will sing together in heaven!
I’ve been thinking a lot about what songs we should sing when we’re finally back together again, and my list keeps growing. Our first full service back together just might be a long one! Until then, I’d like to leave you with some lyrics from the song, “Oh, How Good It Is” by Keith and Kristyn Getty.
“Oh how good it is
when the family of God
dwells together in spirit, in faith, and unity.
Where the bonds of peace, of acceptance and love,
are the fruit of His presence here among us.
So, with one voice we’ll sing to the Lord,
and with one heart we’ll live out His word.
Till the whole earth sees the Redeemer has come,
for He dwells in the spirit of His people.”