Daily Devotional – God’s Handiwork

“Now you are the body of Christ,
and each one of you is a part of it”
I Corinthians 12:27

God’s Handiwork
April 23, 2020 by Vicki Williams

Pastor Kevin has been encouraging us to find God outdoors, so last Sunday when I went to Holland State Park.  I spent some extra time thinking about what God could be showing me through the beauty of that day. The wind was whipping, and it was bitter cold, but it was also extremely beautiful.  It was bright and sunny, the water was deep blue, the waves were rolling, the sand shimmered, and the sound of seagulls was in the air. God’s handiwork was definitely on display!

As I sat down on the sand and looked around, the words, “Oh Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth” (Psalm 8:9), instantly came to my mind. It’s amazing how God feeds our souls through the beauty of nature; after all, not only did God create nature, He is revealed in it and speaks to us through it.

The scene in front of me that day had created the perfect stage for a time of worship, and everything I looked at gave me a reason to worship our awesome Creator!!

The never-ending vastness of water made me stand in awe as I thought about the infinite nature of God and His never-ending love for us, and how I will never, ever be able to comprehend it!
The huge, rolling waves reminded me of the power of God, and how He can calm any storm with just three simple words, “Peace, be still.”

The wind, although unseen, was very strong and made me think of how I can always depend on God to work things out in His time, even if I can’t see Him doing it.

The sunshine-filled sky brought the words of Psalm 19 to mind:  The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of His hands”.  Wow!  How easy it is to forget that, yes, all of creation is beautiful, but it’s beautiful because it’s God’s glory on display!!

The seagulls were living proof of how God faithfully cares and provides for every need.  Matthew 6:26 reads:  “Look at the birds of the air. They do not sow or reap or gather into barns—and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”

The sand ….well, remember the Sunday School song about the wise man and the foolish man?  It, like the story in Matthew 7, tells us not to build our lives on shifting sand, but on Jesus Christ, the Solid Rock our firm foundation, who never fails us.

There are many ways that we can worship God. Right now, churches have been going to great lengths to create worship services in new formats and make them available to people.  Artists, musicians, and worship leaders are using technology to share songs and devotionals through every type of social media.  All of these things give us wonderful opportunities to worship God.

However, I encourage you to spend some time finding God in nature, and let Him teach you more about Himself through His creation!