Easter Sunday Worship @ 9:30 AM

In just a few hours we will celebrate the resurrection of our Savior Jesus and the event that changed the world — and continues to change countless hearts and lives around the globe.  Join us for our Easter Sunday Worship Celebration this Sunday at 9:30 AM at our Facebook Watch Party or our church website or anytime afterward via either Facebook or our church website.

Easter Sunday Worship will be Facebook and our church website by 9:30 Sunday morning.
https://www.facebook.com/HeritageChristianReformedChurch/ or click HERE
www.heritagecrc.net or click HERE

Pastor Bob Huisman

May God go before you to lead you and behind you to protect you,
May God go beneath you to support you and beside you to befriend you.
Do not be afraid.
May the blessing of God the Father, Jesus the Son, and Holy Spirit
be upon you.  Amen.