Heritage Family and Friends,
This week we celebrate Holy Week in the middle of the global pandemic of COVID-19. As a result, our hearts have never been more in need or more open to God’s amazing grace and tender mercy. May we turn to our Heavenly Father each day this week as we join our voices with the Palm Sunday crowd to say, “Hosanna! Save us!”.
Pastor Bob Huisman
Palm Sunday/Holy Week:
Sunday, April 5 – Palm Sunday
9:30 AM Live Worship on Facebook
Thursday, April 9 – Maundy Thursday
7:00 PM – Worship on Facebook
Please prepare at home:
5 candles – identify one as your “Christ Candle” that can be used on Easter
Bread and Juice for Celebration of the Lord’s Supper
Sunday, April 12 – Easter Sunday
9:30 AM Worship on Facebook
1. Daily Devotionals
2. Resources for at-home daily worship for adults and children.