“Now you are the body of Christ,
and each one of you is a part of it”
I Corinthians 12:27
He is the same…Yesterday, Today and Forever!
April 4, 2020 by Morgan Grevenstuk
“Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Hebrews 13:8
This COVID-19 pandemic has been a hard one for me to grasp. It has made for a very unfortunate end to my senior year, and I know I can speak for most that it has taken away a lot of the things we were all looking forward to. But one thing I am sure of is that Jesus has been very present during this time. He has not been taken away from us. For me, this time of “lockdown” has been used as a time of listening and solitude as I wait for answers of where the Lord is calling me after high school. It has been used as a time to just sit in His presence.
COVID-19 might change how we go about our days, but I can promise you, it does not change our God. In fact, I believe it makes His face more visible and His voice so much louder. Our God is a loving God who does not change and I think there is so much hope and peace in that.
In Hebrews 13:8, we are reminded and also given hope that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is always there to lean on for strength and also there to guide us in such a time like this. He has the power to provide for us. He alone is never changing. When we stop our busy lives and actually make time for Him, we begin to realize that He is way BIGGER then we may have thought. Truth is we get really caught up. Caught up in school, work, sports, and overall life in general, but when you stop and realize who God really is when you open up your heart to Him. He is so much BIGGER. His words become louder. His love even becomes so much deeper. Humble yourselves. Lay at the feet of Jesus. You don’t even need to ask Him for anything. Just sit at his feet. Can you feel His love? Can you hear his voice? Just sit there for a minute. Open yourself to Him. Trust that through whatever you’re going through, through this storm that this world is going through remember, He alone is peace and He will never let you go. He’s got the whole world in His hands.
During this time of “lockdown” I encourage you to sit in the presence of our God, whether that be somewhere quiet in your house, out on your porch, or like me, somewhere in nature. Listen to what the Lord is trying to say to you. Be open to the Lord. As Oswald Chambers says in his book “My Utmost For His Highest”, “The most important rule for us Christians is to concentrate on keeping our lives open to Him.” I encourage you to live that and believe that today. Use this time to slow down and remember who our God is and the different gifts He has blessed you with. Don’t let your hurried and busy lifestyle disturb the relationship of ABIDING in HIM. Sit at His feet and just listen to His voice. To HIM be all the GLORY.
Bigger than I Thought -Passion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9YnFjsc2XY&list=RDo9YnFjsc2XY&start_radio=1
Dear God, You alone are worthy of all glory and praise! You are not shocked by the state of the world, and nothing is impossible for you. Today we proclaim that you will be glorified through the situation of this world. Your name be praised throughout the earth. Pierce the darkness Lord Jesus. Shine brighter than the fear of death, loneliness or economic ruin. When we look back on this moment in history, would we be filled with joy as we remember the revival, hope, and peace that came from this season. Lord Jesus, continue to draw this hurting world back to you. In YOUR name, Amen.