Fusion News: 03.03.2019

FUSION SUNDAY MEETING    Our next Sunday night meeting will be on March 3 from 6:30-8:30.  Plan on a meal and a night of fun and worship.  Bring a friend and join us!

FUSION –“REVIVE” Mid Week Worship   Join us next on March 6 at 8-9:30 PM in the East Building .   This is a midweek opportunity for some worship, scripture, sharing and prayer.  Invite a friend and come check out “Revive”.

FUSION GUYS PIKE FISHING/TIP-UP NIGHT  On Thursday, March 7 we will head to Georgetown Shores for an evening of fun on the Ice trying to catch some fish.  Please contact Pastor Kevin if you would like to join.  We will meet at Heritage at 3:00 PM and return around 7:30 PM.

FUSION PIZZA LUNCH FOR FRESHMAN AND SOPHOMORES  – On Wednesday, March 13, Pastor Kevin will be bringing pizza for the Freshman and Sophomores at South Christian.

FUSION CAMP TALL TURF WEEKEND SERVICE RETREAT     On March 22-24 we will be going to Camp Tall Turf near Hesperia for a fun weekend of helping out with various projects to help get the camp ready for the summer programs.  We will be heading up on Friday night at 5:PM and coming home on Sunday afternoon.  This will be a great weekend of spending time together in worship, games, service work, great food and making a difference.  Camp Tall Turf is a Christian camp that focuses on sharing Christ with mostly needy inner city kids.  The Cost is Free and you are welcome to invite a friend.  Please sign up on the Fusion bulletin board outside Kevin’s office by March 17.

FUSION SUMMER COLORADO BACKPACKING TRIP FOR GUYS  – There is still room if you would like to be a part of this great week in the mountains.   Contact Pastor Kevin if you are interested.