
Fusion News: 12.09.2018

FUSION PIZZA LUNCH FOR SOPHOMORES and FRESHMEN Wednesday, December 12 – Pastor Kevin will be bringing lunch for the Freshmen and Sophomores at South Christian. Plan on meeting in room #2.

FUSION –“REVIVE” Mid Week Worship. Join us next on December 12 at 8-9:30 PM in the East building. This will be a time where high school students, young adults and their leaders can come together for a time of worship, sharing, digging into God’s word, praying for each other, and hanging out. Invite a friend and come check out “Revive”.

FUSION –“SUNDAY NIGHT” On December 16 from 6:30 to 8:30, we will have our “Sunday Night” meeting. Plan on meeting in the Ark at 6:30 PM. We will be having a meal together and then having a “White Elephant Gift Exchange”. Please bring a wrapped White Elephant “Fun” gift that you would not mind getting yourself. [Keep the cost around $5 or choose something from home].

FUSION CHRISTMAS BREAK BOWLING On Thursday, December 27 at 3-5:00 PM, we will be having a time of bowling for you and your friends at the Hudsonville Lanes. No need to sign up – just show up for a fun afternoon with friends. Cost will be $5 which will include a drink, snacks, and bowling.