Sunday, September 16
At 9:30 AM we will begin our new series for the fall and winter seasons – The Essential 100 Bible Reading Challenge (E100). We will start at the beginning with Genesis 1-2 and worship the God who still creates!
There will also be a Kid’s Hope Ministry Update and Gift Bibles will be given to our Kindergartners and 2nd Graders.
At the conclusion of morning worship, the worshippers in the ARK will be invited to join the worshippers in the sanctuary for a brief congregational meeting to vote on the Sanctuary Proposal. Sunday School Students (K-4th) can join the Sunday School Superintendents in the “Connections Room” (formerly known as Classrooms 18, 19, 20 or the room next to the kitchen). Catechism students (5th-12th) can join their teachers in their classrooms. Absentee Ballots are available.
The results of the vote will be announced in the Fellowship Room.
At 5:00 PM, we return to the Commandment Countdown with No. 7-Love Fidelity. We will celebrate the Lord’s Supper together.
E100 – Take the Challenge
Starting September 16:
The Essential one hundred stories of the Bible (50 from the Old Testament and 50 from the New Testament). Take the challenge and you will read 5 short bible stories a week for 10 weeks in the fall and for 10 weeks in the winter (each Sunday morning’s sermon will be from one of the stories for the upcoming week). Most people enjoy the journey more if they find a friend or two with whom they can travel together through the Bible and discuss their readings weekly or every other week. Think of “you + 2” as a group. All you need is a Bible you already own. Additional resource materials for families with young children, youth, and adults are available in the Fellowship Room.
Every Sunday is the opportunity to Practice Hospitality
(Romans 12:13)
Be on the lookout for worship guests! Introduce yourself and invite them to join you for coffee/lemonade in the fellowship room (stop by the Welcome Center for a free gift if this is their first time to Heritage). Once in the fellowship room, widen the circle and introduce your potential new friend to someone else.
NEW: Prayer and Encouragement: Volunteers are available to you following every morning worship service in both the Sanctuary and the Prayer Room.
Upcoming Worship Gatherings:
September 23
9:30 – E100 – 2 of 10, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Christmas Shoe Box Intro, Kindgdom Assignments Intro
5:00 – Love Gentleness: Commandment Countdown: No.6: Do Not Kill, Update from Nepal – Gary & Lois Hecksel
September 30
9:30 – E100 – The Story of Joseph, Meet our newest seminarian Andrew Entingh, and welcome back seminarian Matt Spoelstra.
5:00 – Love God’s Authority: Commandment Countdown: No. 5: Honor Your Parents
October 7
9:30 – E100 – Moses and the Exodus, Upward BB Update, Celebration of the Lord’s Supper (World Wide Communion Sunday)
5:00 – Seminarian Matt Spoelstra: Love God’s Rhythms: Commandment Countdown: No. 4 Remember the Sabbath
October 14
9:30 – E100 – The Law and the Land, Young Life Capernaum Intro, Disability Awareness
5:00 – Love God’s Holiness: Commandment Countdown: No. 3: Honor God’s Name
October 21
9:30 – Mission Emphasis: Pastor Alan Pontereli – Southwest Community Church
5:00 – Kingdom Assignment Celebration
Did you know that there is a team of volunteers at Heritage who pray regularly for individuals who are not yet living in relationship with God? If you would like your family member or friend added to their prayer list, please put their name in the lantern at the Welcome Center.