Sunday, June 10
“No one can tame the tongue.” How can we have Vibrant Faith if no one can tame the tongue? Our series on James continues this Sunday morning at 9:30 AM.
We will pray for 5 Heritage members attending the Awakening Worship Conference for high school students at Hope College.
And we will pray for Amit Karthat and his family as they prepare to return to Nepel as missionaries.
Immediately following worship, you are invited to stay in the sanctuary for the first informational meeting on the proposed sanctuary refurbishing project recently approved by our Council to bring to the congregation. A congregational vote on the proposal is anticipated for sometime in September.
At 5:00 PM, we will worship in ARK. We will experience the ARK Advantage with an extended fellowship time that includes ice cream bars. We will continue our CREDO series and explore the confession of faith: “I believe in the forgiveness of sins”. There will be a $1.00 coin on each table to help us with our discussion and the youngest member at each table will get to take it home.
You are invited to come to the Prayer Room following any morning worship service where prayer volunteers are ready to listen and to pray for you and the concerns on your heart.
Please invite every Worship Guest to walk with you to the Welcome Center where they can receive their free gift and more information about Heritage CRC. Encourage them to join you for a cup of coffee and introduce them to another person at Heritage.
Pray for God to B.L.E.S.S. friends or family who don’t know Jesus yet.
B – Body
L – Labor
E – Emotions
S – Socially
S – Spiritually
Upcoming Worship Gatherings:
(Happy 48th-anniversary Heritage CRC–organized June 15, 1970)
June 17
9:30 – Father’s Day
No Evening Service – Family Devotional Day
June 24
9:30 – Pastor Kevin Van Wyhe, Celebration of the Lord’s Supper
5:00 – CREDO – I believe in the Ressurection of the Body
July 1
9:30 – Pastor Bob Bolt
5:00 – Combined worship at Heritage with 2nd Byron CRC
July 8
9:30 – Vibrant Faith: Peace-Loving Part 2 of 2, James 3:13-18
5:00 – CREDO – l believe in life everlasting
July 15
9:30 – Missionary Partners in Egypt Steve and Frankie Wunderink
5:00 – Vibrant Faith: Patience, Part 1 of 2, James 4:1-15
Did you know that there is a team of volunteers at Heritage who pray regularly for a list of individuals who are not yet living in relationship with God? If you would like your family member or friend added to their prayer list, please put their name in the lantern at the Welcome Center.