Sunday March 18
This Sunday (3-18-2018), our 8:28 Testimony comes all the way from Cambodia – via Heritage member Sina Seng. Pastor Bob Bolt will lead us from Romans 8:28-30 with the theme: “When Going Through Tough Times…”.
This Sunday (3-18-2018), our 8:28 Testimony comes all the way from Cambodia – via Heritage member Sina Seng. Pastor Bob Bolt will lead us from Romans 8:28-30 with the theme: “When Going Through Tough Times…”.
We will also provide a brief introduction to City Fest – a West Michigan evangelistic campaign focused on serving the region and proclaiming the Good News ( Check your mailboxes for service and outreach training opportunities coming to West Michigan in March and April.
You are invited to come to the Prayer Room following any morning worship service where prayer volunteers are ready to listen and to pray for you and the concerns on your heart.
Please invite every Worship Guest to walk with you to the Welcome Center where they can receive their free gift and more information about Heritage CRC.
At 11:00 am on 3-18-2018:
Grab some refreshments after worship (it’s cookie Sunday) and gather in room 19 (next to the kitchen) for the rest of the story and Sunday Morning Conversation with Sina Seng.
For the evening service at 5:00 pm:
In the sanctuary, Heritage member and Seminary Graduate Brad Diekema and our worship team will lead us and paint a “Portrait of Jesus: The Present Savior” from Matthew 11:25-30.
At the same time, pray for God’s blessings on our students and friends who will gather for Youth Summit Worship in the ARK.
Upcoming Worship Gatherings:
March 25 – Palm Sunday
9:30 Life in the Spirit: Unbreakable Bond – Romans 8:31-39, Sunday School Children Singing, Feed My Starving Children Update, Knightsounds Choir from Unity Christian High School in Orange City, Iowa led by Katie DeVries will sing.
11:00 MINI-CONCERT IN THE SANCTUARY – Knightsounds Choir from Unity Christian High School in Orange City, Iowa led by Katie DeVries.
5:00 CREDO: I Believe Jesus SufferedMaundy Thursday, March 29
11:00 MINI-CONCERT IN THE SANCTUARY – Knightsounds Choir from Unity Christian High School in Orange City, Iowa led by Katie DeVries.
5:00 CREDO: I Believe Jesus SufferedMaundy Thursday, March 29
7:00PM Celebration of the Lord’s Supper
Easter Sunday, April 1 – Resurrection Sunday!!!
9:30 Sanctuary and ARK combined in the sanctuary
No Evening Service – Family Devotion Day
April 8
9:30 Pastor Kevin Van Whye
5:00 Seminarian Matthew Spoelstra
April 15
9:30 James 1:1-16, Prayers for Family and Friends who don’t know Jesus, Celebration of Lord’s Supper
5:00 CREDO: I Believe Jesus Ascended
April 22
9:30 Cadet Sunday
5:00 CREDO: I Believe Jesus is Seated at the Right Hand of God