Fusion News: 02.24.2019

FUSION PIZZA LUNCH FOR JUNIORS -On Wednesday, February 27, Pastor Kevin will be bringing pizza for the Juniors at South Christian.

FUSION –“REVIVE” Mid Week Worship.   Join us next on March 6 at 8-9:30 PM in the East building .   This is a mid week opportunity for some worship, scripture, sharing and prayer.  Invite a friend and come check out “Revive”.

FUSION SUNDAY MEETING    Our next Sunday night meeting will be on March 3 from 6:30-8:30.  Plan on a meal and a night of fun and worship.  Bring a friend and join us!

FUSION CAMP TALL TURF WEEKEND SERVICE RETREAT     On March 22-24 we will be going to Camp Tall Turf near Hesperia for a fun weekend of helping out with various projects to help get the camp ready for the summer programs.  We will be heading up on Friday night at 5:PM and coming home on Sunday afternoon.  This will be a great weekend of spending time together in worship, games, service work, great food and making a difference.  Camp Tall Turf is a Christian camp that focuses on sharing Christ with mostly needy inner city kids.  The Cost is Free and you are welcome to invite a friend.  Please sign up on the Fusion bulletin board outside Kevin’s office by March 17.