Fusion News: 03.28.2021

On March 28, from 6:30 to 8:30 PM, we will be having a traditional Seder Meal together and learning from the Messianic Jewish Culture as we remember the Passover feast and the Lord’s Supper.   We will start off in the Ark with activities and then head to Fellowship Room for the Seder Meal.  You will want to eat a normal dinner before coming as this is more of a meal using small portions of food as reminders.   We will conclude the evening with Ice-cream sundaes and root beer floats. You are welcome to bring a friend!  Masks will be available if you don’t have one. [Our next Sunday Night Meeting will be on April 11.]

On Tuesday, June 1 we are going to Cedar Point for a day of rides and fun together.   We will be leaving at 5:00 AM from church and returning around Midnight.   Cost is $40 per person plus your meals.   If you are interested in going, please sign up on sheet outside of Pastor Kevin’s office or e-mail him at kevinvw@heritagecrc.net.  Space may be limited, so sign up soon.