Please Sign-Up for October 4 Service

September 29,

Dear Heritage Family,

As we begin to meet indoors for morning worship services starting October 4, we ask that you observe the following things:

  • Please register for a service at 9 am or 11 am in the ARK or Sanctuary using the link
  •  Please practice social distancing.
  • Masks in Motion.  Masks are required while moving throughout the building.  When seated with social distancing, masks are optional.
  •  If you are worshiping in the sanctuary, an usher will seat you.  After the service, ushers will dismiss the congregation by rows.
  • Please be aware that not everyone present will be at the same comfort level with personal contact.  We ask that you refrain from handshaking and hugs.
  •  Hand sanitizer, gloves, and masks are available if needed.

Thank you for your help in making our services as enjoyable and safe as possible!
Invite a friend to join you indoors or online.